Alarm Central USA iOS App

A subscriber app for USA Central Station

Tech Used

- Swift
- Objective C
- XCode

What is Alarm Central USA

Alarm Central USA is a subscriber app for an alarm central station company called USA Central Station. This app is built for their customers to be able to interface with their alarm system and manage their account. When an alarm goes off at their location, they are able to respond to the alarm right inside the application. Users are able to view their alarm history as well as chat history associated with the alarm that went off. They can manage contacts, and much more.

So what did I do?

  • Built the contact management portion of the application.
  • Integrated USA Connect (An external service) directly into the app so users can respond to their alarms right in the app.
  • Overhauled the design of every screen.
  • Updated the applications swift requirements with tableviews and other standard ui elements because they were outdated. As well as implemented swipe back to navigate.
  • Implemented animation alerts directly on the home screen when a users account is in alarm status.


Here is an example of how designed and implimented the feature letting users put their accounts on test. The drop down was not a native feature beacuse iOS has no native dropdown selection

Alarm Central USA Screen Shots

Here is an example of what the contact editing section of the app that I designed and coded looks like.

Alarm Central USA Screen Shots

Picture 1) The home screen of the application. Picture 2 & 3) What it looks like to open up a live chat window with the central station after an alarm is triggered. The same panel will pop up when viewing chat history.

Alarm Central USA Screen Shots

The app store listing that I designed.

Alarm Central USA Screen Shots
